Mastermind Creations Inventa Magna
It's probably not much of a
secret at this point how much I love G1 Sky Lynx. It took me a
long time to finally get the "bird/dino/whatever", and a long time
after to get his lynx counterpart, but I was greatly satisfied.
Of course... the overall articulation could
stand to be improved. Takara/Hasbro did try a while back, but it
wasn't a combiner, was under-produced, and generally just not... great,
design-wise. Leave it to Mastermind Creations, responsible for
the gorgeous ReMix Jaguar,
to somehow brave the task long before another official release would
happen. The two figures were manufactured and released
separately, Magna and then Inventa, and being that they were limited
run indie-manufactured transforming toys, they were a pretty penny upon
release. I happened upon the set in factory-sealed boxes at just
the right time for a very
good price, directly from Hong Kong... on the first day of March.
Do any of you remember the very beginning of March? When the
world was just starting to realize how very "uh-oh" things were getting
but everything hadn't yet ground to a complete world's-on-fire
standstill? Yeah, I'm shocked the package got here at all, but no
complaints. Just a lot of questions about the nature of the human
Side note on "Inventa Magna"
translating to "great discovery", so that's fun.

We'll ignore those questions about humanity in favor
of pictures and overall toy celebration. Getting a picture of the
front of Magna's box proved so completely impossible that I just
stopped trying, but this is the better side anyway.
In the grandest of traditions, there are cards
included for each figure...
the combined form. What does "CASTE" refer to in this
instance? ...I have no idea and I haven't come across the
answer. They are strong and courageous, though, so... that's what
Also, the cards themselves
are plastic and not glossy card stock. I'm surprised I managed to
get decent pictures either way.
And! I didn't realize each came with a
multi-page mini-comic! Set in the Beast Wars universe,
even! Story by Marty Prime and art by Hinomars19, they are
legitimately kickass and beautiful. (One panel even appears to
feature Silverbolt and I am all for Mr. Good is Dumb himself, alright.)
But let us get to...
the space shuttle. Despite
light Inventa is for his size, I was really impressed with how well
everything fit together, not to mention the level of detail. Look
at the tiny fold-out landing gear! The way everything slots...
just about perfectly.
Just about.
The problem with plastic is that it's never completely precise.
Things shift, heat and cold can affect sizing in a big way during
production, and some things just don't slide into place as easily as
they're intended to. In the grand scheme of things, having one
wing with a very obvious seam is far from a big deal, but it is
noticeable when compared to the other side. It all works and stays in place, and
that's sort of the more important part.

DETAILS. Very nice to have little panels for
the landing gear, sure, but when I opened up the top compartment I
really had no expectations. ...Then I unfolded the fully
articulated tiny robotic arm and made a variety of sounds. Yes,
if I'd known about the damn tiny robotic arm when this figure actually
released I might have been tempted to snag it earlier. I am not
ashamed of that.
And now
fully unfurled in beast mode.
Which... wasn't a thing back when Sky Lynx was released, but you
know. Beast Wars happened and this fits. It is a very
impressive transformation, but as usual there was so many small parts
that fit so snugly together that it took me a damn long time to get
through the first transformation while making sure I didn't break
anything. The booklet was
a help... but it also borrowed heavily from official booklets which
means there are some steps which could use better explanations.
Hey, I got there and I didn't break anything.
Articulation is insane.
I've seen a lot of folks being upset that the neck, while highly
articulated, can't hold all of the poses because articulation points
are a little loose, but there are several techniques to fix that.
It's an easily fixable problem, in other words, and once again
considering the design and concept being a small team that pulled off
such an enormous task, I am not complaining. The feet are also
seriously impressive, and he can carry
Even the tail has several points of motion, though mine came a little
tight and I've had to be careful loosening the joints up.
I cannot
stress enough how big these
toys are. Sky Lynx was on the larger end of Transformer figures,
but Inventa alone is kind of massive.
Very actually sharp teeth if you catch your thumb on them wrong while
opening the mouth for the first time, but I'm okay. Also mouth rocket
launcher. As it should be.
If I elected to get the
proper batteries, inside the mouth is the access panel for the eye
lights. But... eh.
so there's nothing particularly fancy about Magna's vehicle mode.
Just a transport vehicle for a space shuttle, no big. Everything
fits together really well and... he is heavy.
Like, really heavy. I was very surprised to pick up the box
initially and discover most of the weight was just him. He also
rolls easily on real wheels, bonus.

CHROME HEAD. And the standard head that I left attached because I
like it. Initially it was supposed to be gold chrome like the
original lynx figure, but I'm not sure what happened to those
plans. Not that I dislike the silver chrome.
Yes I have another robot kitty, okay.
Also ready to throw down with a mouth rocket launcher. There's an
option to give him either two small toes in front or the three larger
toes, and I sort of prefer big paw robot cat, so here we are.
Along with the traditional double tail for whatever reason, super
articulated. I also got it stuck in the out position for a couple
of days because I accidentally unseated the internal slider and had to
contact customer service. *cough* But also, Mastermind Creations
customer service is top notch and they will absolutely walk you through
stupid questions with reasonable suggestions.
He also got hips.
Magna is also extremely large on top of being very heavy,
and can accidentally manage a plotting villain pose. His
articulation is just as excellent as Inventa's, though most of his
joints are designed to hold him up so they're all pretty tight.
He does have one loose ankle joint, but that hasn't really affected
anything for me enough to fix it.
Hangin' out,
taking a break. Plotting a bit of dinner, perhaps.
Finally, Inventa Magna
proper. You do have to do a little work to make sure
everything is properly transformed to be able to slot the fiddly bits
into place, but it's a pretty strong connection between figures once
you manage it.
It has to be
to allow for this. And what an enormous, magnificent robo-beast
he is.
Hear him
Watch me...
get my hands on him and make him look not as completely fierce.
Still a little fierce. But mostly like a puppy.
Didn't think
I was going to forget about the ass shot, did you?
Overall, I am very happy
with this figure set. It seems that Takara/Hasbro understood they
had serious competition as well, given how many of these elements they
incorporated into their latest official Sky Lynx release. Inventa
Magna was one of those things I assumed I'd never actually be able to
pick up for myself, but... well, a reward for a very lengthy
accomplishment in beadworking found a way.