Shiny Things Gallery | Dragons | Plush | Stella
Stella is a sweet young wyvern with a passion for the dramatic and... well, apparently my PSP. She's definitely a star gazer, always looking up and being curious as to what the future may bring, dreaming of places far away and worlds that have yet to be written down... but there's time. I think maybe she wants to be a great dramatic actress, or play one in a student production.
Another spectacular accomplishment, in my eyes. I used the same base pattern with Stella that I had with Andrew... and then ignored the lines entirely. I wanted something a little more "obviously handmade-looking", hence the slight change in the wing design. The rest just sort of... worked out as it did. I did more hand sewing on her than I had on Andrew, and my fingers are definitely feeling it right now. Everything is mine--pattern, stitching, design--but the eyes. Those are hand-painted acrylic safety eyes from Suncatcher Eyes. They're gorgeous.