Shiny Things Gallery | Fandom | Other
Shinies from Beast Wars, Ghost in the Shell, Super Mario Brothers, Devil May Cry and more!
Dragon Maleficent
24 January 2012She was intended for a contest, but details of that got foiled in various ways, various times and... well, she's been sitting, waiting for her chance. The other day I walked in the room and noticed her and thought, "No. She needs the world to see her now. And maybe someone will really want to cherish her in the way she deserves."
I'm proud of her, besides. I always did love Maleficent, and despite how I have completely taken it upon myself to forget what a horrible experience her boss fight in Kingdom Hearts was, it was also one of those fun "two worlds meeting" things. Hence, awesome shininess!
(For Sale)
Needle Felted Tachikoma
24 January 2012Needle Felted Tachikoma. I’ve been meaning to do this for a while. …Revealing the exact why is just a further measure of my insanity.
It took a lot longer than I’d anticipated, but it wasn’t nearly as difficult. I think that means I win, right? I’d considered making the, er, rear bigger, but then I kind of liked how it looked when I was at this stage and left it there. They’re allowed to be individuals now, you know.
Reversible Beast Wars Cuff
29 November 2011As much as I adore G1 Transformers, Beast Wars kind of remains my favorite show, and the toy line was... dramatically unpredictable.
This took... some time. Two very large, very complicated panels, woven so that they rest back to back. It's easily and completely reversible in case you're the Blackarachnia type. Plus, it's exceedingly versatile in the ways it can actually attach to a person's wrist, but automatically comes with a long black silk ribbon.
(For Sale)
Poison Mushroom Cuff
29 November 2011I don't know how much time it took altogether, and I don't want to know. I love the poison mushroom... but I'm not sure that I loved it this much. Still, I did want to give white thread a try and... I can't really explain the rest of it. Insanity, as usual. And it's a corset cuff, meaning it can adjust to any wrist size with the spiffy little silk ribbon.
It was a real learning experience, though. There are some rough parts due to that, but overall it actually turned out much better than I expected. And, of course, it's SHINY! Got a lot of comments and pick ups at Anime Boston, but o one brought it home, alas.
(For Sale)
Lil' Kodama
29 November 2011I saw Princess Mononoke on a Netflix DVD some time ago. I sat through the whole thing, mesmerized. When the credits rolled, I got up, stretched a little, got some food--and started it over again. Of course the absolutely creepy-adorable Kodamas stuck in my mind.
...This one looks horrified. And it amuses me incredibly. He's also supposed to be hugging his knees, which doesn't really come through well in the pictures. Argh. Anyway, he's 3.75 inches of needle felted goodness. I kind of wanted to make him intentionally rough to look like someone had built him in tribute or something... which is probably why he looks so disturbed.
Let's Rock
29 November 2011Dante from Devil May Cry, in bead form. 4,034 beads, to be precise, each added individually by hand using only a needle and thread (and a lot of ridiculousness). The panel itself measures roughly 9.5 inches tall by 5.5 inches across, so those are some tiny shiny beads. It's worth it for Dante.
Yes, this was completely dumb. Silly, even. I also have no idea how long it took, and I'm grateful.
(For Sale)
Gojyo and Hakkai Bracelet
29 November 2011A creative and appreciated commission, and not just because it gave me a week off of a long-term project I'd been working on a little obsessively. The idea is a representation of the Saiyuki characters Sha Gojyo and Cho Hakkai, the commissioner coming up with the basic pattern/design and of course I had to complicate it for myself by making part of it open. Admittedly, I love how it turned out. It's a little more airy and "free" this way, I think--and the colors stand out beautifully. (And of course that is a Swarovski crystal. I mean, of course.)
Ebony and Ivory Necklace
29 November 2011It's no secret that I love me some Devil May Cry. I have a... special affection for Dante's twin guns, Ebony and Ivory; so much so that I've named my handhelds after them (the PSP is Ebony, and the DS is Ivory... the PS3 is Alastor, which is a whole different story). I wanted to try to make them as charms, both different tones of silver. Unfortunately it took about 20 shots and three different lighting configurations to get the camera to recognize that they were in fact two different tones of silver and not just BLAZE OF SHINY. Better in person, but... you know how that goes.
The necklace itself is extremely adjustable, allowing for the guns to hang at the same height or one above the other. Whatever makes you feel more ready to take on those poor demons who never saw you coming. As for the charms themselves, they're actually some combination of smooth and polished, and rough and obviously hand-made/carved. Somehow I just enjoyed how that came out.