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Total matches for "tiger & bunny": 17
Crapsuit Tiger and Bunny Plushies
And finally, the last pair of tiger and bunny plushies I had planned out: the crapsuit versions. How could I resist? At least they both look happy about it.
(For Sale)
Ouro!Bunny and Black Tiger Plushies (Final)
Improved! The thickness of the black yarn compared to the bright pink or yellow really threw me at first, but I think I've managed to make it work. They've still got some, er, "bulk" to them, but it's much more balanced now. Not to mention Black Tiger no longer looks terribly, terribly sad. Improvement, I say.
Date: 22 March 2012Ouro!Bunny and Black Tiger Plushie Demos
So... of course I have a thing for the "dark side". Heh. Fan-inspired or otherwise. And of course I had to make an Ouroboros!bunny doll and a black tiger doll.
The thing is. The black yarn has a lot of different properties than the other colors, despite having been in the same line and bought at the same time. So these boys are demos. The end result will wind up being larger than the original tiger and bunny crocheted plushies, but they need a little bit of work to get them to look like they've got the same dimensions. Not such a big deal, really. I don't mind keeping them to myself.
(Especially the black tiger plush. The expression was neutral before I stuffed him, I swear. I did not mean to make him look sad, you've got to believe me.)
Tiger and Bunny Crocheted Plushies
Quite some time ago, I stumbled upon yarn that was on sale. An amazing sale. And right there next to each other were those amazingly blindingly bright colors. It was a sign. The sale sign. Also the pink and yellow.
So yeah, I'd been wanting to do small crocheted plushies in sort of a... "rustic"-type style? Whatever this is. They are squishy. Like Tiger & Bunny.
Date: 08 March 2012Bunny Bracelet
So, um... yes, a new addiction called Tiger & Bunny. A new addiction that treats me so well that it had to have a couple of awesome shinies made in its honor. The Great Enabler Schala-Kitty pushed some vector art on me (no, really!) of Wild Tiger's and Bunny's/Barnaby's suit insignias, and, well... I got to work doing them with no background to help me out. For I am a fool that way. But look at how shiny!
Bunny's insignia actually didn't give me nearly as much trouble as Tiger's... but getting the band to work out created its own challenges. So much for thinking it can ever be easy.
(For Sale)
Wild Tiger Bracelet
So, um... yes, a new addiction called Tiger & Bunny. A new addiction that treats me so well that it had to have a couple of awesome shinies made in its honor. The Great Enabler Schala-Kitty pushed some vector art on me (no, really!) of Wild Tiger's and Bunny's/Barnaby's suit insignias, and, well... I got to work doing them with no background to help me out. For I am a fool that way. But look at how shiny!
Those floating beads of the jaw and neck, man... those were a "learning experience", alright.
(For Sale)
Date: 24 January 2012"Let's believe HEROES" Bracelet
Tiger & Bunny episode 24 drove me to this. In an attempt to not be exceptionally spoiler-ific, I will say that this banner/sash has its part to play. I'd wanted to turn it into a bracelet for a while now, so... it seemed like the appropriate time. There is a reason for the black band; it's supposed to be burned. Which is also the reason for the gold findings. High concept, I has it.
(For Sale)
Date: 24 January 2012Call Bracelets
So. Um. ...I just had to do a mock-up of every single hero "call bracelet" from Tiger & Bunny for some reason. Left to right, top to bottom: Wild Tiger Green, Barnaby Brooks Jr. (Bunny) Red, Rock Bison Bronze, Origami Cyclone Gray, Dragon Kid Yellow, Sky High Purple, Blue Rose Blue, and Fire Emblem Orange. There's also a pink one in the making. Why pink? ...Why not pink?
They are all available as made-to-order bracelets over at my Etsy shop, in both single-sided versions and double-sided versions. Custom colors are also an option. If either of the listings ever "disappear", that's because I'm currently working on fulfilling an order; just drop me an Etsy message and I'll let you know when they're available again.