Shiny Things Gallery | Dragons | Beaded
They're shiny 'cause they're beads!
29 November 2011In a very clinical, very technical way, Skexy is a medley of failure. A prototype of prototypes, where nearly everything that I did was definitely learned from as what not to do. But I learned so very, very much. And, as you can see, a medley of failure actually turns out absolutely stunning--therefore Skexy has the last laugh here. I'm pleased. I am very pleased. But he took at least eight times longer than he should have. It was a learning experience, and I am grateful.
And the wings? Rich, dark chocolate velvet. Oh yes. Only the best for my failures. *grin* Also, gave an internal wire spine a shot. I definitely learned how to do that better next time.
Sien and Selia
29 November 2011I had not meant to make a pair of dragons. They insisted. This is the result of my wandering into a local bead store. I think I will be going back soon.
As for the critters themselves, they really can't be separated. Selia and Sien are quite very much in love and not in the least bit willing to do something silly like stay away from one another. While they'd normally be living in the forest and flashing those bright tails at unknowing passers-by to trick them into abandoning their food (they'd learned to work with tourists, you see), I'm sure they'd like to travel and see other places. Just... watch your food. Sandwiches, most of all.
(For Sale)
29 November 2011Very much a very messy demo just to try out... everything. You'll notice upon closer inspection that Shoichi has a lot of loose strings shown and soforth. This is so I know what to do and what not to do for the next one. I have learned... a lot. Quite a lot. And this was a terrifying effort that took far, far too long. *grin* I really love him, though.
And while I am tempted to "remake" him with what I've learned... he's gained far too much personality. And so Shoichi ("prosperous first son" in Japanese) will remain as he is and be extremely helpful with his siblings.
29 November 2011She is mine. I found these drop-dead gorgeous blood- cranberry- pomegranate-red beads... it just had to happen. Of course, because I created Sanguine for the express purpose of being my dragon bracelet, she gave me more trouble than any of the others. So much more. I cannot even describe, nor do I want to think about it... but it goes to show how worthwhile this project was. And boy did I learn new techniques quickly.
She is a bit... different than the others in several ways. I am not in the least bit complaining, mind you... it's just a reminder that my intent only means so much. Heh.
29 November 2011He's a bit of an explorer at heart, really. Already ready to leap into new situations at a moment's notice--so you might need to watch this one. Deep rainbow/purple-centric metallic and lime green beads make up this little guy's coloring.
Note of alarming geekdom: while I was making this little critter, I had the sudden thought, "I hope no one immediately thinks of The Joker when they look at him. He's really more of a Green Goblin kind of guy. And I have to make sure not to name him Remy." Well... what can I say. I have weird thoughts when making things.
29 November 2011Ralph is an exceptionally easy-going dragon, very supportive of all endeavors, mostly of the artistic variety. He likes pretzels but not so much long walks on the beach, as he gets sand between his scales and that makes him a little less easy-going. He does tend to charm dessert out of people, though, so watch out. Or, if you want to be very good to him, don't.
These beads. Are wow. At first glance they are an insanely vibrant sapphire blue, but they're lined with emerald green (which barely comes through in the pictures; if you look hard enough, you can catch it between beads) that just sparkles in certain light. He's really quite lovely all-around.
29 November 2011What can I say; apparently I was a little bit inspired by the colors on literally almost everything on the tourist-rich southwest. Heh. I'm quite pleased with how she came out, though.
Querida's certainly a playful spirit. She prefers to hide and people-watch, occasionally moving things when no one's looking. It's the little things.
(For Sale)