Play Arts Kai Gladiolus Amicitia
The battle cry of TEN YEARS
continues. I mean, that's not really a reason or an explanation,
but those are the words I'm using, so. There. Anyway.
I pre-ordered Gladiolus at the same time I
pre-ordered Ignis and Prompto, because while I'm not a completionist by
any means, I sure wanted all four main party members and was not going
to let a little thing like wondering how many organs I'd have to sell
to be able to afford them all get in my way. (Don't ask, I can't
legally disclose the answer.) I did not know at the time that
Gladiolus and Noctis would be releasing in the same month and so
shipping for both was... a bit. Less than if I'd had them sent
separately, though, so. Tiny bullet dodged.
These damn boxes. At least I think the splash of color on this one helped the camera to focus, but it's still a horrible picture. ...Once again the pose amuses me. Mr. "Not a Model" probably tossing out brotherly advice or just... standing there in the middle of the road. You know, whatever. Any car that hit him would suffer more damage than he would.

Gladiolus is the eldest son of the House Amicitia, a noble family that has long served the royal line of Lucis. He and Noctis have known each other since childhood, and their bond transcends that of lord and retainer. Through rigorous training, Gladiolus has developed a formidable physique and prodigious combat prowess, with these qualities and his big-hearted nature earning him the trust, respect and love afforded an elder brother.
Brandishing a greatsword, Gladiolus reaps the benefits of reach while delivering devastation to foes. Placing the safety of others above his own, he is the rock upon which both the party's defense and offense are built.

Why yes it does truly appear to be an eagle. Also, his necklace is clearly present, along with the skull button details. And, okay, ignoring the obvious, chest and abs definitely present. Showing off the bodyguard assets. We're all quite aware that Square-Enix knows their audience by now. Still, just, damn, that detail. Very subtle shading on the skin makes it look pretty damn incredible even in this slightly harsh lighting.

Also, his hair is soft. Not "doll hair soft", obviously; it's still plastic. It's just a really, really soft flexible plastic. I found that interesting and wonder if it'll be incorporated into later figures.

Of course I forgot to get a better shot of the scar over his left eye, but that's done really well too; obvious but faded as an older wound. ...And I don't know why his sparkly shoes amuse me so. They aren't supposed to be sparkly, just textured, but they have that high gloss sheen on them so they look a little like they're meant to be glitter shoes. Points added to score. Specified reason: "glitter shoes".

Here is a really great example of why I've been adoring these figures: nothing's holding him up. He's balancing himself. Even with that big-ass sword, even on freaking felt. Yes it took some time to find the exact right angles and rotations for his knees and ankles, but he can do it. It helps that Gladio's definitely a heavier figure; some of that extra money went into just the volume of plastic he's made of. No complaints.

...And yeah I still feel... weird about this picture.

If you've read the other PAK FFXV not-reviews, then you already know I'm hugely in favor of the direction that the Play Arts Kai line has taken, particularly with the exceptionally detailed FFXV characters. I continue to be astonished at the potential for balance without a stand, the range of movement, and the overall quality for the price. They are pricey, particularly Gladiolus, but... damn, just look at the result. Worth it.