Figuarts Fire Emblem
I was actually extremely irritated when I initially heard that Fire Emblem was going to be a made-to-order exclusive. Mainly because I didn't have the money at the time, sure, but that was also kind of crap in general. It sort of made me wonder if Bandai had such little faith in Fire Emblem fans that they just plain weren't going to bother with a regular retail run. And then I heard Blue Fin was definitely going to bring him to the US. Between that and the fact that I keep seeing him regularly popping up at certain reselling sites, I'm no longer quite so concerned that there aren't enough to go around. I'm also incredibly happy to get him at a great price, from Amazon of all places. (I'd sort of given up on Amazon after their general policy to overcharge for Transformers.) But I digress.

Okay, with that out of the way, just look at all of this. An entire second cape for "dramatic" poses, a total of 9 hands to choose from, and one of them has his rather shiny flame. Speaking of shiny, the back of each cape is ridiculously shiny. Which is why the camera decided that it didn't want to capture that aspect. Thanks, camera. You can at least see a little of the intense shiny there, along with the lovely gradient from red to yellow.

Detail on him is great, as is articulation. While the joints are a lot more obvious on him than on the armored figures (Wild Tiger, etc.), the full range of motion really makes up for whatever minor aesthetic traits people may not be overly fond of. My only extremely minor gripe is that the shoulders are... very weird. Not so much when they're not actively being posted, but the joints themselves take a little getting used to. Hardly a complaint, though.