Figuarts Lunatic
I certainly couldn't go without this disaster (affectionate) now, could I?
And the box is big. Notably larger than the others, for good accessory-related reasons.

But first! FIRE! ...And spoilers I
guess, but it's kind of implied that you know when you get the figure,

We have accessories.
Fire and lots of it, one back mantle piece and two front with basically
one subtle raised side to... effectively flip a double-bird, I
guess. HANDS! Weapons! And more fire!

Whoops, he's going to do a murder. With fire. I enjoy the fire eyes a little too much, I think, but the effect is delightful. You can
see his eyes through the translucent plastic, but the camera didn't
quite capture it. And if you see dust because he's been displayed
this way for some time already, no you don't.

The other mantle front, along with the back.
It's all just a hard plastic shell you snap together around him, and
it's... weird. The shoulders have to be in just the right
position or it won't attach correctly, but it does admittedly look cool.

I call this "staring at the drama hand". Fully
armed and one hand full of fire (more on that later), he's ready to... Not do anything good, probably.

Ah, yeah, here comes the fire crossbow. Also ridiculously neat.

This man's ass is hidden under sculpted plastic
clothing, a shame, but you can better see the accessories that attach
to his belt. The "folded-up crossbow" does indeed sit in the holder, but...

I'm not sure if it's the plastic itself, or the
conditions under which he'd been kept before I got to him, but the
flexible plastic in the crossbow holder split right apart at the bottom
the very first time the crossbow went in. No big, a little dab of
glue on obvious tabs fixed it right up, but something to be cautious of.
As for the picture to the right... I have no idea if the fireball over the hand is supposed to come off. I don't think it is, given all the many tabs and the fact that the hand itself was greasy, but clean-up and hand washing were done and I will... put it all back together as soon as it's had plenty of time to air out. No big deal, just a surprise when I popped the hand off to change it out and the whole thing kind of. Fell apart. A feature?!
As for the picture to the right... I have no idea if the fireball over the hand is supposed to come off. I don't think it is, given all the many tabs and the fact that the hand itself was greasy, but clean-up and hand washing were done and I will... put it all back together as soon as it's had plenty of time to air out. No big deal, just a surprise when I popped the hand off to change it out and the whole thing kind of. Fell apart. A feature?!

And a close-up of the open and closed crossbows because kickass.

Also this shot again, because come on.