KFC Night Stalker
For a long time, I'd been
seeing a great deal of praise for a number of "third-party
Transformers" (read: not official). These aren't knock-offs, not
bootlegs, but real original Transforming robots that just don't happen
to fall under Takara's or Hasbro's license. They've gone from a
bit of "underground secrecy" to actually being just as available to
collectors as any official releases. (Which has been noticed;
though instead of persecution, Hasbro and Takara seem to be clearing
the way for collaborations. Whether or not those companies with
enough resources to already be making third-party toys will agree to
"join forces" remains to be seen, but it's quite an awesome thing for
designers who lack the funds to put their designs into production
Night Stalker happens to be a release from KFC, or Keith's Fantasy Club.
I've obviously had my eyes set on him for a couple of years now,
never quite taking the plunge even though I'd seen him stealing selling
out at various retailers. Until I happened to see him on massive
sale for $10. I had to. That's my story and I'm sticking to
Even the box impressed me. I mean, for an independent operation, this is amazing quality. And awesome art, by the way.

The packaging itself is... a dream. Better than most official Transformers I've opened. I mean, just look at that. Granted, it's kind of a blocky design which doesn't need to be protected from shifting or damage as much as a more complicated figure, but still.

I am impressed, I have to admit. The instructions are clear and simple, the joints all work smoothly, everything fits together tightly, and he just looks awesome. If a little pissed off. And look, wings.